

Gonzalo Díaz Rodríguez

Spanish companies are subject to compliance with a wide range of regulations in different areas (industry regulations, data protection, information security, business continuity), the non-compliance with which can generate various risks (legal, economic, reputational) in their organizations.

The implementation of Risk & Compliance systems aims to minimize these risks and ensure regulatory compliance in all business processes.

A new category of corporate risk was added to this, carried out through the important reform of the Penal Code (Organic Law 5/2010, of June 22),  extending criminal liability to companies, regardless of their size, and obliging them to implement management and crime prevention systems that are effective in detecting and preventing criminal risks that may arise from their organization.

SOLIUM LEGAL offers its clients a team of highly qualified professionals and provides, among others, the following services:

  • General Compliance. ISO 19600:2014 and UNE-ISO 19600:2015.
  • Criminal Compliance. UNE 19601:2017.
  • Tax Compliance. UNE 19602:2019.
  • Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Compliance. Money Laundering. ISO 37001 and UNE-ISO 37001:2017.
  • Labor compliance (prevention of labor risks, data protection, money laundering, antitrust...).
  • Corporate defense: legal assistance in proceedings that may be initiated.
  • Expert Reports on Compliance Programs, for this purpose SOLIUM LEGAL has Judicial Experts in Compliance with a nationwide presence.

The implementation of Compliance Programs involves:

  • Advice on the drafting of internal rules: Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, Corporate Policies, Action Protocols, Disciplinary System, Communication Plan, Training Plan, etc.
  • Advising the management body on regulatory compliance.
  • Compliance officer advisory services, Compliance Officer.
  • Assistance in processes of investigation of conduct contrary to the company's principles.
  • Advice and implementation of communication or whistleblower channels.
  • Compliance culture: Training and awareness.
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